Saturday, May 28, 2016

Antique Statues in early Roman Collections I

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Old Woman at Museo Garimberti
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Many ancient statues on display in Renaissance Rome did not become crowd favorites, but were yet prominent enough to be recorded by artists in drawings and engravings. Sometimes this documentation can still be matched to actually surviving marbles. In other cases the original statue may have disappeared or may have  been altered past recognition. An anonymous portfolio at the British Museum contains nearly fifty of these documentary images, apparently created all by the same hand in the 1540s.

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Personification of Arithmetic at Museo Garimberti
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Mercury at Museo Garimberti
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Bacchus at Museo Garimberti
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Bacchante in the della Valle Collection
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Bacchus in the della Valle collection
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Silenus with the infant Bacchus at Palazzo Farnese
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Bacchus at Palazzo Farnese
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Hermaphrodite at Palazzo Farnese
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
The Muse Polyhymnia at the Vatican
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Draped Goddess at the Vatican
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
 Seated Goddess at the Vatican
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Leda at Museo Tiberio Cevoli
ca. 1540-50
British Museum

Anonymous portfolio of Antique Statues in Rome
Jupiter at Museo Tiberio Cevoli
ca. 1540-50
British Museum